Learn actionable steps to make better food choices for yourself and the planet.
Explore the expertise of Federico Filippi, an organic grower and seasoned consultant with years of experience in food and horticulture. Discover insights that challenge conventional nutrition and agricultural norms.
Uncover the motivation to lead a healthier lifestyle and embrace sustainable practices. Let this book inspire you to rethink the way you eat, live, and interact with the environment.
Achieve a balanced approach to food, health, and sustainability. Empower yourself to make informed decisions that benefit both your well-being and the world around you.
Have you ever wondered why dietary advice seems be changing all the time? Are you worried about calories, sugar, carbohydrates, gluten or saturated fats? Do you think you should be eating more protein? Are you concerned about your microbiome?
Why is nutritional science so fundamentally flawed? Why is it that so many people in Britain and around the world are getting sick and overweight as a result of diet? How do we go about making the best food choices, whatever our budget?
Can we feed a growing population without agrochemicals? Should we all go vegan or vegetarian? How could we regenerate the land and the seas? Is rewilding the solution? Why should we care about cows and pigs? What is wrong with celebrity chefs and contemporary gastronomy?
Can we both enjoy food and be healthy? How can we lose weight sustainably? Can we have our cake and eat it?